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Back to category "Rare Artifacts"
Auction 1116 [CLOSED]
Vendor Akakiko
Base 500000
Minimum increment 20000
Last offer 900000 by Clepsian
Began 24/8/2007, 22:35
End 2/9/2007, 20:00
Notes Midnight Bracers
cave floor
Bids history
2/9/2007, 20:01 900000 by Clepsian
2/9/2007, 20:00 860000 by Clepsian
2/9/2007, 20:00 840000 by Celtic
2/9/2007, 20:00 0 by pg.php?id=0
2/9/2007, 19:59 820000 by Clepsian
2/9/2007, 19:59 760000 by Celtic
2/9/2007, 16:55 740000 by Anthony
2/9/2007, 16:54 720000 by Clepsian
1/9/2007, 13:39 700000 by Anthony
1/9/2007, 11:00 680000 by KoDaMa
1/9/2007, 1:03 660000 by Anthony
31/8/2007, 19:56 640000 by KoDaMa
31/8/2007, 11:51 620000 by Anthony
31/8/2007, 10:34 600000 by Jane
29/8/2007, 13:48 580000 by Anthony
28/8/2007, 23:21 560000 by Anthony
28/8/2007, 14:58 540000 by Traif
28/8/2007, 14:32 520000 by Anthony
28/8/2007, 1:48 500000 by Traif

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