How to play on
Few steps to play on UODreams
1 - Register for free at
UODreams is a game server hosted by GamesNet.
You will need a personal GamesNet account called Gamesnet Universal Login (GUL) to play on UODreams and on any other game hosted by GamesNet.
If you don't have your personal GUL account yet:
Create your new GUL account
UODreams also supports GamesNet Premium GUL
For more info about Premium GUL
UODreams and Premiun GUL
In game benefits of Premium GUL accounts
To claim Premium for your GUL account
Activate Premiun GUL on my account
2 - Get the Ultima Online client
Ultima Online client allows you to play on UODreams.
It isn't developed by UODreams and you can download it from
Versione (Original Files):
Ultima Online Client
Versione (Client PvP):
Client Version with PvP support - by Athelstan
Ultima Online Client
Old client version, the latest client supported for Worker's Script!:
Ultima Online Client
3 - After you download Ultima online Client
To play on UODreams, you can use one of this client, the latest client have beast compatibility
UODreams requires only original files created with the game setup and update.
Any modification or replacement to the original files will cause problems in game.
4 - Play on UODreams!
To play on UOD you can use UOSteam
How to use and play with UOSteam
or Razor
How to use and play with Razor
You can not play the game using only the client.
To log on UOD use the following data:
Port: 2593
Insert your username and password and select UODreams from the server list.
If you have problems ask for help
Check the requests for help
Check your Help Request status
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