Scroll Of Valiant Commendation
| Caratteristiche
| Double Click To Reach 260 Of Stat Cap (Use a "+5 Overcap Statscroll" before use this)
| *drop unico del Champion di Exodus

Bracers Of Alchemical Devastation
| Caratteristiche
Hit Fireball
| 40%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Mage Armor
| Mana Regeneration
| 5
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 10%
| Poison Resist
| 10%
| Energy Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Bracers Of Alchemical Devastation (Gargish)
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Hit Fireball
| 40%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Mage Armor
| Mana Regeneration
| 5
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 10%
| Poison Resist
| 10%
| Energy Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Gladiator's Collar
| Caratteristiche
| Hit Point Increase
| 10
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Mage Armor
| Physical Resist
| 18%
| Fire Resist
| 18%
| Cold Resist
| 17%
| Poison Resist
| 18%
| Energy Resist
| 16%
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Lieutenant of The Britannian Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Legendary Detective of the Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Elder Detective of the Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 3
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Mithycal Detective of the Royal Guard
| Caratteristiche
| Intelligence Bonus
| 4
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Robe Of Britannia "Ari"
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Physical Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Robe Of Britannia "Bal"
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Physical Resist
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

An Embroidered Oak Leaf Cloak
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Stealth
| 5
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Most Knowledge Person 1st (Arirang)
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Most Knowledge Person 2nd (Arirang)
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Hit Point Increase
| 4
| Strength Requirement
| 10

The Most Knowledge Person 3rd (Arirang)
| Caratteristiche
| Weight
| 5 Stones
| Hit Point Increase
| 3
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Gloves Of The Archlich
| Caratteristiche
Fire Eater
| 15%
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Mage Armor
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Strength Bonus
| 5
| Physical Resistance
| 15%
| Fire Resistance
| 15%
| Cold Resistance
| 15%
| Poison Resistance
| 15%
| Energy Resistance
| 15%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 90

Bogling Hide Mukuluks
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 2
| Dexterity Bonus
| 2
| Intelligenge Bonus
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Divinum Luminous
| Caratteristiche
Fey Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Sentinel's Mempo
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 4
| Dexterity Bonus
| 4
| Hit Point Increase
| 8
| Stamina Increase
| 12
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Hit Chance Increase
| 5%
| Defense Chance Increase
| 5%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 50
| Durability
| 255/255
| Weight
| 3 Stones

Corrupted Paladin Vambraces
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 5
| Dexterity Bonus
| 5
| Stamina Increase
| 10
| Mana Increase
| 10
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 4
| Stamina Regeneration
| 4
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 80
| Weight
| 5 Stones

Mantle of the Archlich
| Caratteristiche
Resisting Spells
| + 10
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Spell Damage Increase
| 8%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Artio Vine Wrap
| Caratteristiche
Faster Cast Recovery
| 1
| Mana Increase
| 5
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Strength Requirement
| 10

An Bal Xen
| Caratteristiche
Demon Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

In Corp Mani Xen
| Caratteristiche
Fey Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Shadow, The Butcher Of Jhelom
| Caratteristiche
| Dexterity Bonus
| 5
| Hit Points Increase
| 10
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

A Ghostly Shroud Of Spookiness
| Caratteristiche
Strength Requirement
| 10

Boots Of Escaping
| Caratteristiche
Dexterity Bonus
| 4
| Stamina Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Exceptional Robe Crafted by Relvinian
| Caratteristiche
| Exceptional
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 3
| Luck
| 250
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation
| Caratteristiche
Hit Point Regeneration
| 1
| Stamina Regeneration
| 1
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Lower Mana Cost
| 2%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Robe Of Dark Monk
| Caratteristiche
Spell Damage Increase
| 6%
| Fire Eater
| 6%
| Increase Karma Loss
| 6%
| Durability
| 255/255

Glorious Lady's - Shroud Of The Champion
| Caratteristiche
| Physical Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 5%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Ranger's Cloak Of Augmentation
| Caratteristiche
Kinetic Eater
| 5%
| Swing Speed Increase
| 5%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 3%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 1%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Death
| Caratteristiche
Hit Chance Increase
| 3%
| Defense Chance Increase
| 3%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Power
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 2
| Dexterity Bonus
| 2
| Intelligence Bonus
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Light
| Caratteristiche
Hit Chance Increase
| 5%
| Night Sight
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Drogeni's Spellbook
| Caratteristiche
| Magery
| +20
| Defense Chance Increase
| 15%
| Enhance Potions
| 25%
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 3
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%

Mark Of Wildfire
| Caratteristiche
Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Luck
| 250
| Mana Increase
| 10
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Conjurer's Garb
| Caratteristiche
Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Luck
| 140
| Defense Chance Increase
| 5%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Conjurer's Trinket
| Caratteristiche
Undead Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Alchemist's Abomination
| Caratteristiche
Defense Chance
| 15%
| Enhance Potions
| 25%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Faster Casting
| 2
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 16%

Shroud Of Tal'Keesh
| Caratteristiche
Strength Requirement
| 10

Batlin's Inner Voice
| Caratteristiche
Defense Chance Increase
| 10%
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Stamina Regeneration
| 2
| Random Resist
| 10%

Artisian's Esteem
| Caratteristiche
Eval Intelligence
| +20
| Defense Chance Increase
| 20%
| Enhance Potions
| 25%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%

General Lethe's Epaulettes
| Caratteristiche
Faster Cast Recovery
| 1
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Lord Morphius Epaulettes
| Caratteristiche
Lower Mana Cost
| 3%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 2
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Swing Speed Increase
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Solaria's Secret Poisons
| Caratteristiche
| +10
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Durability
| 255/255

Yukio's Glass Earrings
| Caratteristiche
| 125
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%
| Durability
| 255/255

Dr Spector's Lenses
| Caratteristiche
Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Mana Regeneration
| 4
| Spell Damage Increase
| 12%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Physical Resist
| 5%
| Fire Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 14%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Balron Bone Armor
| Caratteristiche
Dexterity Bonus
| 5
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Strength Bonus
| 5
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 60
| Durability
| 255/255

Shugenja Raiment
| Caratteristiche
Mage Armor
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 1
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 5%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 15%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Serpent's Bite
| Caratteristiche
Night Sight
| Luck
| 125
| Spell Damage Increase
| 8%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Durability
| 255/255

Feudal Cloak of Elements
| Caratteristiche
| 150
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Stamina Regeneration
| 3
| Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison Energy or Damage Eater
| 15%
| Resist
| 15% Related to Single Eater Type +3% Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy if Eater type was Damage
| Durability
| 255/255

Conjurer's Garb
| Caratteristiche
Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Defense Chance Increase
| 5%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

An Bal Xen
| Caratteristiche
Demon Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Shadow, The Butcher Of Jhelom
| Caratteristiche
| Dexterity Bonus
| 5
| Hit Points Increase
| 10
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Verite Earrings
| Caratteristiche
Hit Points Increase
| 5
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 2
| Durability
| 255/255
| Owned By
| Nobody

Valorite Earrings
| Caratteristiche
Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Spell Damage Increase
| 10%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Owned By
| Nobody

In Corp Mani Xen
| Caratteristiche
Fey Slayer
| Strength Bonus
| 1
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Damage Increase
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

General Lethe's Epaulettes
| Caratteristiche
Faster Cast Recovery
| 1
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Lord Morphius Epaulettes
| Caratteristiche
Lower Mana Cost
| 3%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 2
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Swing Speed Increase
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Alchemist's Abomination
| Caratteristiche
Defense Chance
| 15%
| Enhance Potions
| 25%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 3
| Faster Casting
| 2
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 16%

Dr Spector's Lenses
| Caratteristiche
Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Lower Mana Cost
| 8%
| Mana Regeneration
| 4
| Spell Damage Increase
| 12%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Physical Resist
| 5%
| Fire Resist
| 10%
| Cold Resist
| 14%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 45
| Durability
| 255/255

Solaria's Secret Poisons
| Caratteristiche
| +10
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Durability
| 255/255

Embrace Of The Abyss
| Caratteristiche
Faster Casting Recovery
| 3
| Faster Casting
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 15%

Kotl Black Rod
| Caratteristiche
| 4 Stones
| Faster Casting
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Mage Weapon
| -0
| Spell Channeling
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 11-14
| Weapon Speed
| 2.25s
| Strength Requirement
| 30
| Durability
| 255/255

Lord Morphius Epaulettes (Gargish)
| Caratteristiche
Gargoyles Only
| Lower Mana Cost
| 3%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 2
| Stamina Increase
| 8
| Swing Speed Increase
| 10%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

General Lethe's Epaulettes (Gargish)
| Caratteristiche
Gargoyles Only
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 1
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Clainin's Spellbook
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Faction Item
| Defense Chance increase
| 5%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 12%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Luck
| 80
| Mana Regeneration
| 3

Solaria's Secret Poisons (Gargish)
| Caratteristiche
Gargoyles Only
| Ninjitsu
| +10
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 18%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 18%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Durability
| 255/255

| Caratteristiche
Spell Damage Increase
| 35-50%
| Mana Regeneration
| 2-3
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 8-10%

| Caratteristiche
Random Slayer
| Demon Arachnid Elemental Fey Repond Reptile Undead Bat Bear Beetle Bird Bovine Flame Goblin Ice Mage Vermin Wolf Air Elemental Blood Elemental Dragon Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Gargoyle Lizardman Ophidian Orc Ogre Poison Elemental Scorpion Snake Snow Elemental Spider Terathan Troll Water Elemental
| Defense Chance Increase
| 5-10
| Spell Damage Increase
| 18-30%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 3-5%

Ithilsis' Breast Plate
| Caratteristiche
| Mage Armor
| Necromancy
| +15
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Night Sight
| Luck
| 150
| Physical Resist
| 13
| Fire Resist
| 13
| Cold Resist
| 23
| Poison Resist
| 33
| Durability
| 255/255

Conjurer's Grimoire
| Caratteristiche
| Undead Slayer
| Magery
| +15
| Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%

Melissa's Cloak
| Caratteristiche
Fire Resist
| 5%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Cebo - Great Lakes Stealing Contest Champion
| Caratteristiche
| 10
| Stealth
| 10
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Petrified Matriarch's Tongue
| Caratteristiche
Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Chance Increase
| 10%
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 4%
| Poison Resist
| 5%
| Durability
| 255/255

Warded Demonbone Bracers
| Caratteristiche
| Mage Armor
| Casting Focus
| 2%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 6%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 12%
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 9
| Fire Resist
| 11
| Cold Resist
| 8
| Poison Resist
| 7
| Energy Resist
| 9
| Strength Requirement
| 55
| Durability
| 255/255

Defiler Of Virtue
| Caratteristiche
| Fey Slayer
| Damage Increase
| 60%
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Hit Lightning
| 50%
| Hit Lower Defense
| 30%
| Stamina Regenaration
| 2
| Swing Speed Increase
| 25%
| Poison Damage
| 80%
| Chaos Damage
| 20%
| Weapon Damage
| 11-13
| Weapon Speed
| 2.5s
| Strength Requirement
| 25
| Durability
| 255/255

The Redeemer
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Undead Slayer
| Demon Slayer
| Swing Speed Increase
| 55%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 20-24
| Weapon Speed
| 5s
| Strength Requirement
| 40
| Durability
| 100/100

Bog Creature's Skin
| Caratteristiche
Poison Resist
| 6%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Scepter Of The Pride
| Caratteristiche
| Undead Slayer
| Demon Slayer
| Hit Mana Leech
| 70%
| Hit Stamina Leech
| 70%
| Hit Life Leech
| 70%
| Swing Speed Increase
| 30%
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 14-18
| Weapon Speed
| 3.5s
| Strength Requirement
| 40
| Durability
| 255/255

| Caratteristiche
Cold Eater
| 5%
| Mana Regeneration
| 1
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5
| Cold Resist
| 3%

Jade Snake Head
| Caratteristiche
Poison Eater
| 5%
| Stamina Regeneration
| 1
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5
| Poison Resist
| 3%

Staff Of Pyros
| Caratteristiche
| Undead Slayer
| Damage Increase
| 30%
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Mage Weapon
| -0
| Fire Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 13-16
| Weapon Speed
| 2.75s
| Strength Requirement
| 35
| Durability
| 255/255

Talons Of Escaping (Gargish)
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Dexterity Bonus
| 4
| Stamina Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Crook Of Humility
| Caratteristiche
| Wolf Slayer
| Veterinary
| +10
| Spell Channeling
| Intelligence Bonus
| 10
| Damage Increase
| -20
| Physical Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 13-16
| Weapon Speed
| 2.75s
| Strength Requirement
| 20
| Durability
| 255/255

Etoile Bleue
| Caratteristiche
| Part Of A Jewelry Set (2 Pieces)
| Luck
| 150
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 1
| Only When Full Set Is Present
| Hit Point Regeneration
| +2
| Mana Regeneration
| +2
| Luck
| +100
| Faster Casting
| +1
| Faster Casting Recovery
| +4
| Full Set Total Bonus
| Luck
| 400
| Faster Casting
| 3
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 6
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Mana Regeneration
| 2

Novo Bleue
| Caratteristiche
| Part Of A Jewelry Set (2 Pieces)
| Luck
| 150
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 1
| Only When Full Set Is Present
| Hit Point Regeneration
| +2
| Mana Regeneration
| +2
| Luck
| +100
| Faster Casting
| +1
| Faster Casting Recovery
| +4
| Full Set Total Bonus
| Luck
| 400
| Faster Casting
| 3
| Faster Casting Recovery
| 6
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 2
| Mana Regeneration
| 2

Tome Of The Abyss
| Caratteristiche
| Magery
| +15
| Intelligence Bonus
| 8
| Spell Damage Increase
| 15%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 15%

Pact Of The Abyss
| Caratteristiche
| Damage Increase
| 50
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Mage Weapon
| -0 Skill
| Spell Channeling
| Energy Damage
| 100%
| Weapon Damage
| 13 - 16
| Weapon Speed
| 2.75s
| Strength Requirement
| 35
| Two-Handed Weapon
| Skill Required
| Mace Fighting
| Durability
| 255/255

Life's Ruination
| Caratteristiche
| Focus
| +15
| Necromancy
| +15
| Mage Armor
| Hit Point Increase
| -15
| Weight
| 3 Stones
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| -10%
| Cold Resist
| 15%
| Poison Resist
| 15%
| Energy Resist
| 15%
| Strength Requirement
| 20
| Durability
| 255/255

Skin Of The Demon
| Caratteristiche
Spell Damage Increase
| 12%
| Mage Armor
| Weight
| 1 Stones
| Physical Resist
| 15%
| Fire Resist
| 12%
| Cold Resist
| 17%
| Poison Resist
| 20%
| Energy Resist
| 20%
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| Durability
| 255/255

Sterling Silver Ring
| Caratteristiche
| +20
| Damage Increase
| 75%
| Mana Regeneration
| 5
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Durability
| 255/255
| Double Click To Set Skill Bonus
| Additional Skill Point
| 20
| Skill:
| Swordmanship, Fencing, Macefighting, Archery, Throwing & Wrestling

A Dark Orc Champion Helm
| Caratteristiche
Defense Chance Increase
| 10%
| Dexterity Bonus
| -10
| Hit Chance Increase
| 5%
| Intelligence Bonus
| -10
| Strength Bonus
| 10
| Physical Resist
| 20%
| Fire Resist
| 1%
| Cold Resist
| 3%
| Poison Resist
| 3%
| Energy Resist
| 5%
| Durability
| 255/255

Arcane Shroud
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Robe Of The Champion
| Caratteristiche
Physical Resist
| 3%
| Fire Resist
| 3%
| Cold Resist
| 3%
| Energy Resist
| 3%

Pages From The Principia Daemonis
| Caratteristiche
| Repond Slayer
| Faster Casting
| -10
| Intelligence Bonus
| -10

Savage One, The Royal Britannian Champion Against Treason
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Malicia, The Royal Britannian Champion Against Kidnapping
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Pronk, The Royal Britannian Champion Against Violence
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Aphashia, The Royal Britannian Champion Against Theft
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Trelim, The Royal Britannia Champion Against Murder
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Intelligence Bonus
| 1
| Physical Resist
| 3%
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Silence
| Caratteristiche
| 10
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Cloak Of Life
| Caratteristiche
Hit Point Increase
| 3
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 1
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Mark Of The Destroyer
| Caratteristiche
Hit Points Increase
| 10
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Hit Points Regeneration
| 2
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Wildfire Lantern
| Caratteristiche
Faster Cast Recovery
| 2
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 5%
| Spell Channeling
| Fire Resistance
| 5%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 45

Umbria's Grimoire
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Undead Slayer
| Defense Chance Increase
| 10%
| Faster Cast Recovery
| 2
| Lower Mana Cost
| 5%
| Spell Damage Increase
| 30%

Umbria's Spellbook
| Caratteristiche
| Blessed
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 10%
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 50%

Gargish Kilt Of The Archlich
| Caratteristiche
| Gargoyles Only
| Fire Eater
| 15%
| Hit Point Increase
| 5
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Lower Mana Cost
| 10%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Mage Armor
| Mana Increase
| 8
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Strength Bonus
| 5
| Physical Resistance
| 15%
| Fire Resistance
| 15%
| Cold Resistance
| 15%
| Poison Resistance
| 15%
| Energy Resistance
| 15%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 90

Bogling Hide Mukuluks
| Caratteristiche
Strength Bonus
| 2
| Dexterity Bonus
| 2
| Intelligenge Bonus
| 2
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 10
| PoF:

Midnight's Wrap
| Caratteristiche
| Physical Resist
| 4%
| Fire Resist
| 4%
| Cold Resist
| 4%
| Poison Resist
| 4%
| Energy Resist
| 4%

Mantle of the Archlich
| Caratteristiche
Resisting Spells
| + 10
| Faster Casting
| 1
| Spell Damage Increase
| 8%
| Durability
| 255/255
| Strength Requirement
| 10

Shadow Reaver Cloak
| Caratteristiche
| +10
| Luck
| 125
| Mana Regeneration
| 2
| Spell Damage Increase
| 6%
| Fire Eater
| 15%
| Durability
| 255/255

Vorthas Medallion
| Caratteristiche
Hit Point Increase
| 3
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 12%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 12%
| Durability
| 255/255

Vorthas Medallion
| Caratteristiche
Gargoyles Only
| Hit Point Increase
| 3
| Intelligence Bonus
| 5
| Hit Point Regeneration
| 3
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Spell Damage Increase
| 12%
| Lower Reagent Cost
| 20%
| Lower Mana Cost
| 12%
| Durability
| 255/255

Shadow Masters Talisman
| Caratteristiche
| +10
| Stealth
| +10
| Defend Chance Increase
| 10%
| Hit Points Regeneration
| 3
| Mana Regeneration
| 3
| Durability
| 255/255