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The Siege

Return of the Dark Angel


START: 23/01/2024 21:30pm

L'angelo nero, da anni intrappolato con antiche magie all'interno della sua "gabbia" è riuscito a fuggire!
il suo potere è immenso ed è riuscito a rinforzare le sue fila
L'Harbingers ha corrotto nuovamente i campioni di Felucca
rendendoli suoi adepti e lanciando un incantesimo che lo rende invisibile.

Sarà necessario sconfiggere prima i campioni pèr far uscire allo scoperto l'Harbingers:

Troveremo il Barracoon e Semidar all'interno del dungeon di Fire!
Rikktor al secondo livello di Destard!
Neira alle porte di Deceit!
Mephitis all'uscita di Terathan Keep!
Lord Oaks all'interno di Khaldun!

Una volta sconfitti i sei campioni l'Harbingers farà la sua comparsa!
D'avanti il dungeon di Wrong!

Sconfiggendo l'Harbingers uno degli aventi diritto al loot riceverà come compenso uno dei seguenti Artefatti!!!

Conjurer's Garb
Mana Regeneration 2
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Strength Requirement 10

An Bal Xen
Demon Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Strength Requirement 10

Shadow, The Butcher Of Jhelom
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Points Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Strength Requirement 10

Verite Earrings
Hit Points Increase 5
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Durability 255/255
Owned By Nobody

Valorite Earrings
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Durability 255/255
Owned By Nobody

In Corp Mani Xen
Fey Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Strength Requirement 10

General Lethe's Epaulettes
Faster Cast Recovery 1
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 1
Strength Requirement 10

Lord Morphius Epaulettes
Lower Mana Cost 3%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Stamina Increase 8
Swing Speed Increase 10%
Strength Requirement 10

Alchemist's Abomination
Defense Chance 15%
Enhance Potions 25%
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Faster Casting 2
Lower Reagent Cost 16%

Dr Spector's Lenses
Intelligence Bonus 8
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Mana Regeneration 4
Spell Damage Increase 12%
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 20%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Solaria's Secret Poisons
Ninjitsu +10
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Durability 255/255


START: 23/01/2024 09:30pm

The black angel, trapped for years with ancient magic inside his "cage", managed to escape! his power is immense and he has managed to strengthen his ranks Harbingers have corrupted the Felucca champions again
making them his followers and casting a spell that makes him invisible.

It will be necessary to defeat the champions first to bring Harbingers out into the open:

We will find the Barracoon and Semidar inside the Fire dungeon!
Rikktor at the second level of Destard!
Neira at the gates of Deceit!
Mephitis at the release of Terathan Keep!
Lord Oaks within Khaldun!

Once the six champions have been defeated, the Harbingers will make their appearance!
In front of Wrong Dungeon!

By defeating the Harbingers, one of those entitled to the loot will receive one of the following Artifacts as compensation!!!

Conjurer's Garb
Mana Regeneration 2
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Strength Requirement 10

An Bal Xen
Demon Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Strength Requirement 10

Shadow, The Butcher Of Jhelom
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Points Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Strength Requirement 10

Verite Earrings
Hit Points Increase 5
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Durability 255/255
Owned By Nobody

Valorite Earrings
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Durability 255/255
Owned By Nobody

In Corp Mani Xen
Fey Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Strength Requirement 10

General Lethe's Epaulettes
Faster Cast Recovery 1
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 1
Strength Requirement 10

Lord Morphius Epaulettes
Lower Mana Cost 3%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Stamina Increase 8
Swing Speed Increase 10%
Strength Requirement 10

Alchemist's Abomination
Defense Chance 15%
Enhance Potions 25%
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Faster Casting 2
Lower Reagent Cost 16%

Dr Spector's Lenses
Intelligence Bonus 8
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Mana Regeneration 4
Spell Damage Increase 12%
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 20%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Solaria's Secret Poisons
Ninjitsu +10
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Durability 255/255

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